●徵稿期限:2021年 6月 13日(日) ,下午6:00歐洲中部時間
●採用通知:2021年 8月 16日(一)
(一) 口報 10~15 分鐘
(二) 迷你口報 3~5 分鐘
(三) 電子海報
1. Health care management systems, structures and processes to optimize health gain for patients, staff and populations served (健康照護管理體系、架構及流程以優化接受服務之病人、員工及群眾之健康收益)
2. Governance models, culture, policy and leadership for HPH(健康促進醫院與照護機構之治理模式、文化、政策與領導)
3. Health workforce practice and training(健康職場實務與訓練)
4. Accessibility of services (服務可近性)
5. Health literate health care organizations(具健康識能之健康照護機構)
6. Digitalization in health care and health promotion(健康照護與健康促進之數位化)
7. Monitoring, implementation and evaluation (品質監測、執行與評價)
8. Patient and provider communication and patient empowerment (病患和服務提供者溝通與病人增能賦權)
9. Supporting patient behavior change and healthy lifestyles(支持病人行為改變及健康生活型態)
10. Food, nutrition and diet(食物、營養及飲食)
11. Physical activity (身體活動)
12. Tobacco prevention(菸害防制)
13. Addictive behaviors(成癮行為)
14. Prevention of NCDs and chronic disease management(非傳染性疾病之預防與慢性病管理)
15. Health promotion responses to the COVID?19 pandemic(健康促進如何因應COVID?19大流行)
16. Child, adolescent and maternal health(兒童、青少年與婦女健康)
17. Age?friendly health care(高齡友善健康照護)
18. Migration, equity and diversity in health care and health promotion(健康照護與健康促進之移民、平等和多樣性)
19. Healthy workplace(健康職場)
20. Mental health(心理健康)
21. Identifying and addressing health needs in the society(識別和解決社會中的健康需求)
22. Environmental sustainability, climate change and health(環境永續、氣候變遷與健康)
23. Sharing information, research and capacity(分享訊息、研究和能力)